Saturday, 14 January 2012

Day 8 - Wild Ones

To start my day YESTERDAY I did a yoga practice from Yogaglo which, near the end of the practice, had me doing a handstand at the wall.  Now Leyla, our cat, has watched me do yoga a number of times.  As a matter of fact she is now 'doing it' with me every morning.  However, for some reason she had never seen me do a supported handstand before.  

She watched as I dragged my yoga mat to the wall in preparation.  She was close by and curious.  It wasn't until I started to kick up for handstand that she started to look panicked.  And when I got up there she started to cry and looked torn between running away (supposedly to go upstairs and wake Bill) or to stay with me. She pawed my arm frantically. I came down and told her it was ok.  The second time I went up into the pose she was still nervous but much calmer.  Now I will have to focus on handstand to get her fully comfortable with seeing me upside down.  Which isn't a bad thing.

I did Sean's weighted workout. Love it. I did it first. Then I took a 15 minute break before continuing on with Lisa-Marie's workout and it's those scores I post below. As always work period is 50 seconds with a 10 second rest.

My Scores:

  1. Clean and Press - 14, 9
  2. Squat Leaps - 32, 28
  3. 3 Tier pushups - 13, 14
  4. Reverse pullups - 18, 16
  5. Squat and Overhead Press - 14, 16
  6. Sandbag lunges with press and side turn - 38, 28

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